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Posts tagged ‘econsultancy’

Six common digital marketing clichés

Econsultacy wrote again a wonderful article.

1. SEO is dead

The most wantonly aggressive of the six.

Used: Whenever the surrounding context suits the demise of SEO: usually if it’s in the interests of an alternative or opposing service that should probably be rationally supplemented by SEO anyway.

Used by: This line is especially common, mainly used by bloggers and anyone not involved in search, but it’s also used by quite a few SEOs who try to make the conflicting point that SEO isn’t actually about search engine rankings anymore (why is it called SEO then!!!?).

Should be: Spammy and isolated SEO is dead (but then it probably should never have existed anyway). (more…)

Lip color revival and Facebook campaign

Bobby Brown Cosmetics announced Monday that it would be launching a Facebook appeal to crowdsource which shades of lip colour the company will put back into production this autumn. (more…)

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